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Optimize Your Internal Telephony Solutions with Gravite: Transform Your Calls into Actionable Insights

Internal telephony solutions, such as Claap, Praiz, Gong, Modjo, Aircall, and many others, are revolutionizing how businesses manage their customer interactions. However, despite their numerous features, these tools have certain limitations in qualitative and real-time analysis. Gravite aims to bridge these gaps by offering in-depth call analysis through artificial intelligence and natural language processing. Discover how integrating Gravite with your internal telephony solutions can transform your calls into actionable insights, improve team performance, and optimize business processes.

Introducing Gravite and Its Added Value

Gravite positions itself as a powerful complementary tool to maximize the value of internal telephony solutions. By leveraging natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, Gravite transforms recorded calls into text, analyzes this data in real-time, and extracts actionable insights to improve team performance and optimize business processes.

Current Internal Telephony Solutions and Their Limitations

List of Commonly Used Internal Telephony Solutions

  1. Claap
  2. Praiz
  3. Gong
  4. Modjo
  5. Aircall
  6. RingCentral
  7. Dialpad
  8. Zoom Phone
  9. 8x8
  10. Talkdesk
  11. Nextiva
  12. Five9
  13. Vonage
  14. Freshcaller
  15. JustCall

Features Offered by These Solutions

Modern internal telephony solutions offer a range of features that facilitate call management and interaction analysis with customers. These features include:

  • Call Recording: Enables the recording of all conversations for later review and in-depth analysis.
  • Call Tracking: Helps track the number of calls, duration, and other important metrics.
  • Call Performance Analysis: Provides reports on call performance to identify trends and improvement opportunities.
  • CRM Integration: Facilitates the synchronization of call data with customer relationship management (CRM) systems for a comprehensive view of customer interactions.
  • Reports and Dashboards: Offers visualizations and reports to better understand call performance.
  • Call Transcription: Converts audio conversations into text for easier analysis.

Limitations of the Analysis Offered by These Solutions

Despite their advanced capabilities, internal telephony solutions can present certain limitations:

  • Limited Real-Time Analysis: Insights are often only available after call processing, which can delay decision-making.
  • Lack of Depth in Qualitative Analysis: Analyses often focus on quantitative metrics (number of calls, duration, etc.) without delving deeply into the content of conversations.
  • Complexity in Extracting Actionable Insights: Users may find it challenging to extract precise and actionable insights from raw data, making process optimization more difficult.

How Gravite Adds Value to Internal Telephony Solutions

Transforming Recorded Calls into Text

Gravite uses advanced speech recognition technologies to transform recorded calls into text. This transformation facilitates the search and analysis of keywords and recurring themes in conversations, enabling a deeper understanding of customer interactions. For example, a sales company can use this feature to identify frequent customer objections and adjust its sales scripts accordingly.

Real-Time Conversation Analysis

With Gravite, businesses can analyze conversations in real-time, instantly discovering what is happening within their business. This allows for the rapid identification of problems, addressing customer concerns, and seizing business opportunities as they arise. For instance, a customer service company can use real-time analysis to detect customer frustrations and intervene immediately to resolve issues, thereby increasing customer satisfaction.

Discovering Actionable Insights

Gravite enables the extraction of actionable insights from recorded conversations. Using NLP algorithms, the tool can identify customer sentiments, intentions, and needs, offering a deeper understanding of interactions. For example, a telecommunications company can use these insights to understand customer expectations and develop new offers that better meet their needs.

Team Training and Continuous Improvement

Gravite also aids in team training by providing detailed feedback on call performance. Managers can use these insights to identify areas for improvement and develop targeted training programs for their teams. For instance, a technical support company can use feedback to train its agents to handle complex calls better, thus improving the quality of customer interactions and increasing customer satisfaction.

Case Studies: Integrating Gravite with Internal Telephony Solutions

Case Study 1: Improving Team Performance with Gong

A company uses Gong to record and analyze its sales calls. By integrating Gravite, the company was able to transform these recordings into text and analyze conversations in real-time. The insights extracted helped improve sales scripts and train teams more effectively, thereby increasing conversion rates. For example, Gravite's insights revealed that customers frequently asked about return policies, leading to the creation of a more informative and reassuring sales script.

Case Study 2: Optimizing Customer Satisfaction with Aircall

A customer service company uses Aircall to manage customer calls. By using Gravite, the company was able to analyze customer sentiments in real-time, identify recurring problems, and proactively train agents. This led to a significant increase in customer satisfaction. For example, sentiment analysis revealed that customers were often frustrated by wait times, leading to adjustments in resource allocation to reduce wait times.

Case Study 3: Increasing Sales with RingCentral

An e-commerce company uses RingCentral for its sales calls. With Gravite, the company was able to analyze conversations to identify common objections and customer needs. These insights were used to adjust sales strategies, resulting in increased sales. For example, call analysis revealed that customers often hesitated to buy due to concerns about online payment security, leading to marketing campaigns aimed at reassuring customers about transaction security.

Future Developments of Gravite for Internal Telephony Solutions

Upcoming Technological Improvements

  • Advanced Predictive Analysis: Using predictive models to anticipate trends and future customer needs. For example, predicting peak call periods and adjusting resources accordingly.
  • Personalized Interactions: Offering personalized recommendations to improve customer interactions. For example, suggesting tailored sales scripts based on previous conversation analysis.
  • Deeper CRM Integration: Facilitating integration with CRM systems for a unified view of customer interactions. For example, automatically syncing Gravite insights with customer profiles in the CRM for a complete interaction history.

Expanding Features

  • Emotion Analysis: Identifying customer emotions from conversations to better understand their needs. For example, detecting levels of frustration or enthusiasm to adjust agent responses in real-time.
  • Detailed Reports: Providing detailed and customizable reports for better decision-making. For example, weekly reports on conversation trends and agent performance.
  • Automated Feedback: Offering automated feedback to teams for continuous improvement. For example, automatic alerts for agents on areas to improve based on recent call analysis.


Summary of Key Points

Gravite adds significant value to internal telephony solutions by transforming recorded calls into text, enabling real-time analysis, discovering actionable insights, and assisting in team training. By integrating Gravite, businesses can optimize their communication processes and improve customer satisfaction.

Call to Action

Businesses using internal telephony solutions like Claap, Praiz, Gong, Modjo, Aircall, and others should consider integrating Gravite to maximize the value of their calls and transform their interactions into actionable insights. Contact Gravite today to discover how to optimize your performance and enhance the customer experience.

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