
with Gravite

Collect speech-to-text transcriptions from your calls and analyze them to understand what your customers think of your service.

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By integrating Modjo with Gravite, you can collect and analyze call data, which then becomes visible and actionable directly within the Gravite platform. This integration allows Gravite to access detailed insights into customer interactions, centralizing these analyses in a single interface. Consequently, you gain a deeper understanding of conversations and performance, facilitating continuous improvement in your sales and customer service processes.

How to use

  • Connect Modjo to Gravite: Start by linking your Modjo account with Gravite through the integration settings to enable data sharing between the two platforms.
  • Transform Calls to Speech-to-Text: Once connected, Gravite will automatically convert your calls into text transcripts, making them accessible directly within the Gravite platform.
  • Analyze Transcripts: Use the text transcripts to gain insights into customer preferences, pain points, and common objections raised by prospects. This analysis helps you understand customer feedback and improve your approach.
  • Automatic Dashboard Updates: Your analysis dashboards will update automatically with each new client call, providing you with real-time insights and keeping your data current.
  • How to setup

  • Obtain your API Token: Request a Token from Modjo by contacting their team at
  • Access Integration Settings in Gravite: Log in to Gravite and navigate to the "Integration" tab.
  • Add the Modjo Integration: In the Modjo integration section, click "Add integration" and paste your Modjo API Token into the designated field.
  • Complete the Integration: Once the API Token is added, the integration will be complete. Your call transcripts will then automatically appear on your Feedback page in Gravite.
  • Start your 15-days free trial

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